Governor Whitmer Proposes No Increase to State Aid to Libraries in FY26 Budget
As we have experienced for 8 years of the Snyder Administration and the 7th year of Governor Whitmer’s administration, the FY26 State Aid to Libraries budget remains flat. We also saw no increases for Library of Michigan programs/staff.
Chapter & Verse: Storytime from the Stacks New Episode Drops March 13
Subscribe to Chapter & Verse: Storytime from the Stacks and tune in on March 13! Our March episode will be hosted by Debbie Mikula, Executive Director of MLA, and Dillon Geshel, Director of the Superiorland Library Cooperative serving libraries in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, and features Amanda Griggs Cataloger/Technical Services Specialist at the Dickinson County Library in Iron Mountain.
MLA Statement on Civil Fines and Penal Fines
MLA’s statement in response to bills that attempt to siphon penal fines or civil fines away from libraries.
The Michigan Constitution states that all fines assessed for breaches of penal laws must be exclusively applied for the support of libraries. This provision has been in place since the first state constitution in 1835 and has been reaffirmed in subsequent constitutions. In addition to penal fines, Michigan law specifies that civil fines ordered under section 907 of the Michigan Vehicle Code should also exclusively be applied to support libraries.
Thursday, October 22, 2020 12:00 AM |
MLA Connect Between Two Bookcases: With MLA 2020 Conference Chair Kevin King
Check out the latest MLA Connect: Between Two Bookcases, with MLA Membership and Communications Director Rachel Ash and Program and Event Director Amber Sheerin, and our special guest, MLA's 2020 Virtual Conference Chair, Kevin King.
Listen to the full interview here:

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