Take Action: Urge your Senator to Support the Michigan Freedom to Read Act
Please Call OR email your Michigan State Senator and ask them to support the Michigan Freedom to Read Act!
On Friday, December 13, the Freedom to Read Acts, tie-barred House Bills 6034 and 6035, passed in the House! Now on to the Senate. The bills could see a vote no earlier than Friday, December 20. It is imperative that you contact your Senator NOW and urge them to support this legislation! Please continue to contact them using our online form - even if you have already reached out, send another email, or better yet call their office!
With the legislative session rapidly approaching its end, time is of the essence. TODAY is the day to contact your Senator to voice your support for the Freedom to Read Act. To make things easy, MLA has drafted an email for your use, as well as a script you can use to call your legislators. We encourage you to email or make a personal call to your Senator's office as soon as possible. If you’ve already emailed, please send another email! We’ve drafted an updated letter for your use but feel free to personalize your message.
We have a very short window to voice our support, please engage your colleagues, trustees, and other library advocates! Your correspondence with your Senators is critical to influencing the decision-making process – your emails and phone calls can make a difference.
Thank you for taking action to support Michigan's public libraries and protect the right to read. Together, we will do everything we can to see this crucial legislation passed into law to protect the freedom to read in Michigan.
Call Your Legislators
Find your Michigan State legislators' phone numbers by entering your address below. You can use the script below on your call, or when leaving a voicemail, or use the prompts to create your own script.
Phone Script
Hello, my name is (your name), and I am calling to ask for (legislator name) to support the Freedom to Read legislation, House Bills 6034 and 6035.
I strongly support the Michigan Freedom to Read Act legislation. As a library supporter, I believe these bills are crucial for protecting intellectual freedom and ensuring access to diverse materials for all citizens.
The Freedom to Read Act legislation would require libraries to have board-approved policies for selecting and removing materials and ensure requests to remove books or materials are based on valid reasons. These measures will help prevent censorship and uphold the First Amendment rights of Michigan residents.
I urge you to support the Michigan Freedom to Read Acts and help ensure our libraries remain places of intellectual freedom and open access to information.
Happy to talk further if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for taking the time to talk to me today.
Draft your own script:
- Briefly introduce yourself, including any relevant affiliations (include your library or organization if applicable, and only with permission), or experiences with public libraries.
- Clearly state your strong support for the Freedom to Read legislation, House Bills 6034 and 6035, and explain why these bills are important.
- Share personal experiences or stories that:
- Highlight the importance of protecting intellectual freedom and access to diverse materials; and/or
- Explain the process of collection development/best practices for libraries; and/or
- Detail librarian education, qualifications, knowledge, experience, and care that goes into collection development; and/or
- Share how the bills would improve and strengthen your library’s policies; and/or
- Explain how the bills could save your library time and money spent on bad-faith book challenges; and/or
- Illustrate how the bills will provide a uniform and clear process for all library patrons in Michigan; and/or
- Explain how the bills ensure local governments do not inadvertently violate citizens’ rights that are guaranteed by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
- Reiterate your support and thank them for their time.
Email your Legislators:
Or click here to visit our advocacy action page.