2020 Michigan Library Appreciation Month
During these unprecedented times, Michigan libraries have expanded their access to digital content and found innovative ways to continue their programming virtually. Help us highlight the amazing work our libraries continue to do to support our communities, and promote all of the amazing virtual, digital and distance programs, services and collections available and waiting for Michigan library patrons to discover.
There are several ways libraries, library staff and patrons can get involved. Last month we asked that you submit the Michigan Library Appreciation Month proclamation to your local elected officials to give them time to proclaim their support. If you have not done so already, it's not too late! We encourage you to contact your elected officials as soon as possible - contact information can be found on your local city, county or township website. Issuing a proclamation can sometimes take several weeks but it's simple to do.
We also have several other ways to get involved! Download social media and website graphics, sample posts, a sample press release and more, and don't forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter and share our daily posts featuring fun facts, stats and inspirational quotes to help spread the Michigan library love!
Check out promotional resources and ideas to get patrons involved and join the celebration to highlight Michigan libraries, librarians, and library workers all October long!
Digital Graphics

Contact Rachel Ash at [email protected] for inDesign files you can use to create your own Michigan Library Appreciation Month social media graphics.
Sample Social Media Posts
This #MichiganLibraryAppreciationMonth, visit [your library’s website link] to discover ebooks, movies, music, video games and so much more. #LoveMILibraries
Check out [your library] online selection of free entertainment this #MichiganLibraryAppreciationMonth. From virtual storytimes to movies to audiobooks, you can access them all from home. Learn more at [link].
Support your library this ##MichiganLibraryAppreciationMonth all October long, by visiting [website] and following [us/them] on social media. #LoveMILibraries [link]
#MichiganLibraryAppreciationMonth is a great time to visit [your library’s] website [link] for access to free books, movies, music and more! RT this message to show your support of Michigan libraries and all they do to serve their communities during uncertain times. #LoveMILibraries
Have a student at home? This #MichiganLibraryAppreciationMonth is a great time to discover all our libraries offer to support students and their families! Visit [link] to access educational materials and resources to help your student explore and discover!! #LoveMILibraries
Ideas to Celebrate With Patrons
Here are a few ideas to get you started and help you celebrate and connect with your library patrons during October 2020.
Selfie Day. October 26 is Michigan Library Appreciation Month #Selfie Day! Gather your staff on Zoom or at the curbside and take a group selfie shot. Send it to MLA and post on social media for lots of great attention. Don’t forget to hashtag #LoveMILibraries. And above all else, this year, don’t forget to wear your masks and promote physical distancing and safety.
Create a “Kid Picks” or “Staff Picks” book display. If you are open, invite kids to suggest their favorite books for a display, along with a note about why they liked it and why they think others should read it. Staff can participate too!
Share your successes on social media. Do your patrons know how many books you check out each year? How many library cards you have issued? How many visitors you get? Who your stellar staff are? These are great facts that many don’t know about. Don’t forget to share this on social media and don’t forget to hashtag #MichiganLibraryAppreciationMonth #LoveMILibraries
Host a Michigan author or artist event. Invite a local author, poet or illustrator to speak to patrons about their craft online at a virtual event!
Scavenger hunts and games. Have a contest to see if anyone can guess how many books are in the library. Find hidden “golden tickets” for prizes.
“I Love My Library because….” Ask everyone to contribute a simple and quick statement, written on a standard white card with a big red heart that you can post on your windows where your patrons can view them from the outside or on your walls if you are open.
Ask Patrons to Share on Social Media. Encourage your community to share some love on social media for your virtual library services during October. Ask them to post about an ebook, audiobook, virtual storytime or book club, or how your library has made a difference while they've been social distancing.
Advocate. Don’t forget to take a few minutes to write, call, email or visit your local legislators and thank them for their support of Michigan Libraries. This would be the perfect opportunity to also ask them if they would read a book to the children of your community online.
Make sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for daily inspiration white we celebrate Michigan Library Appreciation Month. Help spread the word in your community, schools and businesses and encourage all citizens of Michigan to visit and use the library to explore the wide variety of cultural and educational riches that our libraries hold!