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MLA Advocacy News
Governor Whitmer Proposes No Increase to State Aid to Libraries in FY26 Budget
As we have experienced for 8 years of the Snyder Administration and the 7th year of Governor Whitmer’s administration, the FY26 State Aid to Libraries budget remains flat. We also saw no increases for Library of Michigan programs/staff.
MLA Statement on Civil Fines and Penal Fines
MLA’s statement in response to bills that attempt to siphon penal fines or civil fines away from libraries.
The Michigan Constitution states that all fines assessed for breaches of penal laws must be exclusively applied for the support of libraries. This provision has been in place since the first state constitution in 1835 and has been reaffirmed in subsequent constitutions. In addition to penal fines, Michigan law specifies that civil fines ordered under section 907 of the Michigan Vehicle Code should also exclusively be applied to support libraries.
2025 State Budget Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference
There is a wide disparity in the revenue projections for the upcoming fiscal years based on numbers from the Senate Fiscal Agency and the Department of Treasury. This is not a common occurrence.
Dark Store and OMA Legislation Die in Lame Duck
Legislation aimed at closing the dark store tax loophole has died in committee. House Bills 5865-5868 received a hearing in the House Tax Policy Committee on December 11. Andrea Ingmire, from the Peter White Public Library, provided testimony on how the tax loophole is impacting libraries and MLA submitted cards of support and testimony. The legislation did not move out of committee. Stating that they had run out of time for the day, Committee Chair, Representative Cynthia Neeley called the committee to ease and later adjourned. It is now too late in the legislative session for any further action.
House Bill 4693, introduced by Representative John Fitzgerald to amend the Open Meetings Act has also run out of time. Our work continues. |
November 5 Election Millage Results
We are excited to share the good news that several libraries around Michigan passed millage proposals during the November election! Library millages are the primary source of funding for most Michigan public libraries and at the ballot box, Michigan residents made it clear that they love, support, and VOTE YES to fund their local libraries. It is a great reminder that regardless of where patrons land on the political spectrum, libraries are for everyone!
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